A cairn steel outoxiding

A cairn steel outoxiding.

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____A cairn steel outoxiding the excess strong outoxiders, exclusive possibility of the interaction of the dissolved oxygen with carbon during cooling and hardening of metal in cocil. The Ways of outoxiding calm become varied. In all events try to get well outoxided steel with minimum possible contents oxided cut-in, which presence influences upon quality of the metal. As outoxiders use high and low carbon ferromanganese, mirror cast iron, domain and 45% ferrosilicium, silicomanganese, aluminum, silicocalcium, silicoaluminum, carbide silicon, silicozirconium and others. Preliminary of outoxiding produces in stove weak outoxiders, more strong carry in scoop. Sometimes, steel outoxiding in scoop, without preliminary of outoxiders silicon in stove…




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