A forming at boiling beco

___A shief metallurg of «ТехноИнжениринг» company write: 
___A forming at boiling become in open-hearth furnace dioxide of silicon, firmly links in slag by oxides (FeO) and particularly (CaO). The Manganese from metallic shicht acidifies, either as silicon, oxygen of atmosphere stove and (FeO) of the slag, however reaction [Mn] + (FeO) = (MnO) + [Fe] in the main stove goes not before the end. At increasing of the temperature manganese in small degree is restored by carbon or iron on reaction: 
—1.) (MnO) + [C] = [Mn] + CO 
—2.) (MnO) + [Fe] = [Mn] + (FeO). 
____Than above temperature in open-hearth furnace, more so happy circumstanceses of the reconstruction manganese. Usually such condition at period «clean» boilings, when contentses manganese in metal and FeO in slag fall. The Preceding clean boiling period waxing to its end can be charaterized by practically constant contents manganese in metal i.e. achievement reaction between [Mn] and (FeO) of the condition of the balance. Simultaneously with silicon and manganese at the beginning initially melting trunks intensive acidifies and phosphorus on reaction: 
—1.) 2[P] + 5(FeO) = (P2O5) + 5[Fe] 
—2.) (P2O5) + 3(FeO) = (3FeO*P2O5
___A second from these reaction shows that (FeO) participates not only in oxidation of phosphorus, but also in collecting of its oxides in slag. However oxides of phosphorus and its join (the group) with (FeO) chemical sleazy.
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