For oxygen converter exists

___A shief metallurg of «TehnoIngeniring» company write: 
___For oxygen converter exists the variety of the multifunction process, in which alongside with upper blowing use presenting the oxygen through lateral furm. In this case oxygen, given through lateral furm, disperses on before burn mono oxides of carbon (CO) that perfects the heat balance of the process and allows to enlarge the share of the processed crowbar.
___In present time in oxygen converter is introduced row variant multifunction processes, from which most spreading has got the process, in which alongside with upper oxygen blow through porous refractory blocks in bilge of the converter to blow the argon, nitrogen or dioxide carbon. The Expense of the argon comparatively small 0,07…0,3 cubic metres on ton of the metal at minute while expense of the oxygen through upper furm forms 3,0…4,0 cubic metres on ton of the metal at minute.
___Using of bottom blowing by argon in oxygen converter promotes intensive mixed metallic bath that promotes more efficient removing the admixtures. Herewith falls the contents an oxides ferric in slag that brings about increasing of the leaving the suitable metal on 1% approximately. To blow argon through porous blocks is produced in a matter of minutes before cessation of blowing by oxygen overhand and lasts certain time after presenting the oxygen (1…2 minutes for ordinary and 4…8 minutes for low carboned steel). Herewith occurs additional without carbon metal, the most further removing the sulphur and phosphorus and reduction to concentrations of the dissolved oxygen in metal.
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