Marten’s process

___A shief metallurg of «TehnoIngeniring» company wrote: 
___Marten’s process existing since 1864, lead on fiery reflective steel-melting stove, supplied regenerator. Originally this process had limited problem — a conversions of scrap, which could be not used in converter, then became be used for conversion of cast iron and scrap in different correlations. For heating and melting hard metallic shicht, increasing of the temperature melt and realization of the physico chemical processes of the conversion of cast iron in steel right in open-hearth furnace is burnted fuel with forming the torchlight or flame. The Most of the necessary heat source material, but then and melt get the radiation from flame and reflection from code and sewer stove.
___In regenerator to open-hearth furnace products combustion fuel will return its heat to refractory adjutage. After heating regenerator through one of they miss the air for combustion, but through other — a gas fuel. Warmed in regenerator air and gas put into stove heat, which is added to heat of combustion, and the temperature of the flame and products of combustion increases, become to be sufficient for reception fluid become with overheat, providing normal разливку of the metal in bullions or in continuously cast stocking up.
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