Possible melting

___A shief metallurg of «TehnoIngeniring» company write: 
___In the converter possible to enter the legirunged elements, interacting with oxygen weaked than iron (the nickel, copper, molybdenum). These elements do not acidify at the blowing and can be entered at the beginning initially or in medium blowing. Legirunged elements, more actively interacting with oxygen (chromium, silicon, manganese), happens to carry in scoop. For reduction of the overweening cooling fluid become in scoop and achievements of the even distribution legirungen in metal, greater additives of legire beforehand melt in electrostove and carry in convertered metal in the manner of ligatures. So enter, in particular, at smelting in oxygen converter of stainless steel, containing 18% chromium and 8% nickel.
___Possible melting of chromium right in oxygen converter. For this after achievement of the givenned contents of carbon in bath, from converter merge the slag and carry in metal ferrochromium and ferrosilicium. Then produce the before blowing, during which silicon acidifies, but heat, standing out herewith, disperses on melting of chromium. The Big part of chromium remains in metal, since chromium vastly weaked interacts with oxygen, than silicon.
___To count convertered of the processes with bottom blow in the first place follows to refer bessemers and tomas1 ways production by steels. But in consequence of inferior got metal, these processes were displaced oxygen convertered by process with upper blow. Together with that bottom way cart of blowing possesses beside advantage in contrast with upper blowing. This is connected with much greater intensity of mixed metallic bath under bottom supply of blowing. Intensive mixed metal with slag positively influences upon move reaction refining the metal from admixtures. In this connection in 1965…1970 on new base was reborn, designed and introduced in production become oxygen convertered process w ith bottom blow.
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