Stability of the code

Stability of the code.

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____The Code main stoves average and big capacity take mainly from magnese chromium of the brick. The Code take from brick on special pattern in the codes ring. Due to proturberances of the pattern, the laying of the code has a necessary curvature. At fabrication of the code three holes leave in laying for electrode and holes for tap stove gas. The Thickness of the code of the large stoves reaches 230 — 400 mm. Stability of the code of the large stoves forms 50 — 100 smeltings. They Are Created designs water coolled code with pipes element, which put in panels trapezoid forms. In Russia on small stove use water coolled codes, which stability reaches 5000 smeltings. Using water coolled sewer and code promotes significant increase to their stability and increasing technician economic factors of the functioning the electro arc stoves…




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