The Majority legired elements

The Majority legired elements.

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____For smelting trunks in stove with tart fireproof use clean on sulphur and phosphorus shicht material. Such requirements present to shicht material, used for smelting trunks in the main tigels, since processes dephosphoration and desulphuration are labored in consequence of low temperature of the slag, heating which occurs under the action of heats of the metal. The Composition of shicht practically predestines the composition of the ready metal whereas, carbon-monoxide fumes legired element small (the manganese — 5…10%, tungsten — 2…3%, molibdenium — 2…3%). The Majority legired elements carry in time of loading. After melting the metal direct the slag by additive beaten flow (under tart fireproof) or mixture magnesite powder, lime and fluorspar in correlation 1 to 3 (under the main fireproof)…




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