The melting of metal in vacuum inductioned stove

The melting of metal in vacuum inductioned stove.

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____The melting of metal in vacuum inductioned stove has a row advantage in contrast with smelting under atmospheric pressure. The Oxidation of carbon increase the contents of the dissolved oxygen is accompanied under usual smelting in metal. The Following of outoxided somewhat reduces the contents of carbon, however metal remains the polluted oxided by nonmetellishe cut-in. Using the vacuum provides the reception become with low contents of the dissolved oxygen and with much smaller contents Hnonmetellishe cut- in accordingly. Alongside with reduction of the oxygen at smelting in vacuum occurs the significant reduction of the contentses of the nitrogen and hydrogen, as well as sulphurs. A smelted in vacuum by steels and alloys differ about smelted by usual way by vastly smaller amount of the admixtures, as well as the best mechanical characteristic and deforming in cool and hot condition…




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