After melting

After melting.

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____After melting primary slag in stove add the lime and as required for maintenance of the necessary fluid mobility of the slag — a fluorspar or shamot fighting. The Gross amount carried in electro arc stove slag forming material, forms 1,5…2,0% from mass of loading. After forming the fluid rolling slag and heating of the metal before required temperature, in bath seasonly small portion enter ore and lime. This causes increasing of the contents oxides ferric and calcium in slag, but consequently, creates the happy circumstanceses for the further transition of phosphorus from metal in slag and running other oxidation reaction. Forming in this period smelting trunks slag has a following composition: CaO — 40…50%, Si02 — 10…20%, FeO — 15…20%, MgO — 6… 10%, MnO — 5… 12%, A1203 — 2…3%. The maining of slag — 2,6…3,0. Specified shlacked mode provides the reduction of the contents of phosphorus by the end of oxidation of the period before 0,010…0,015% depending on marks melted by steels…




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