The Construction of converter with bottom blowing

___A shief metallurg of «TehnoIngeniring» company write: 
___In principial new in oxygen convertered process was a way cart oxygen blowing through bilge of the converter. To this effect, the sloted coaxial furms were offered (the pipe in pipe). On central pipe gave the oxygen, but on peripheral — defensive endotermishe gas or fluid fuel. Such way cart oxygen in defensive shirt carbon hydrogen gas or fuel turned out to be very efficient: increased stability of furm, were perfected condition flowing reaction refining. The Bottom process in the beginning was is successfully used for change tomas’ converter, but then and for change the open-hearth furnaces. There was is also built several new shops with converter of bottom blowing. At present all over the world volume of production become in bottom converter forms 7…8% from the general volume of production by convertered steels.
___The Construction of converter with bottom blowing (the internal sizes, deskside worker space) has a typical particularities. These particularities are conditioned by technological requirements, as well as hydra by track record of the bath under bottom blow. The Profile internal space converter and its sizes must provide full leaving the fluid metal and slag, when he is found in horizontal position i.e. before and after the cessation of the presenting blowing.
___Fluid metal and slag at’slopping of the converter must not close bottom of furm. In this connection in contrast with converter upper blowing diameter of the refractory laying of the barrel of the converter must be big and converter must have a smaller height. This defines importance one of the main parameter converter: attitude of the height worker space H to its diameter D. If for converter upper blowing attitude H/D varies within 1,4…2 then for converter bottom blowing this attitude forms 1,15…1,25. The Specific volume convener bottom blowing to big capacity (200 — 250 tons) such, as beside converter upper blowing, and is 0,8…1,1 cubic metres on ton.
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