Typical particularity of the bottom processes

___A shief metallurg of «TehnoIngeniring» company write: 
___Typical particularity of the bottom processes is increasing to concentrations of the hydrogen in metal that is connected with using as coolling ambiences in bottom turms gaseous or fluid fuel, containing hydrocarbons. Termal dissotiation hydrocarbon with separation of the free hydrogen, occurring directly when leaving from furms and in reactionary zone, brings about appearance in leaving gas of the quite a number of the hydrogen. The Gas, leaving from converter of bottom blowing, contains 5…6% H2 (85% CO, 3% CO2, 5% N2) while in leaving gas from converter of upper blowing contents of the hydrogen forms 0,5…0,7%. 
___Increased contents of the free hydrogen in gas atmosphere brings about increase the concentrations of the hydrogen in metal. The Contents of the hydrogen in metal at the end of blowing in converter of bottom blow usually in 1,5…2 times above (0,00045%), than in metal, melting in converter of upper blow (0,00026%). The Hydrogen is an undesirable admixture in steels, raised its concentration vastly worsens the quality of the metal and can bring appearance of the most small internal rifts (these flockens). In this connection in converter of bottom blow one of the final technological operation after cessation of the presenting the oxygen is short blowing metallic bath through bottom furms inert gas (the argon) or nitrogen. Short blowing (1…3 minutes) by argon allows to reduce the contents of the hydrogen in 2 times approximately. 
___In converter of bottom blowing to melt steel from high phosphoric cast iron. For smelting trunks low carbon become in 150 tonns converter use cast iron, containing 3,85% C; 0,45% Mn; 1,75% P; 0,55% Si and 0,055% S. The Smelting lead on two slaged^mode. After the first blowing contents admixtures in steels forms 0,025% C; 0,195% Mn; 0,08% P; 0,024% S. The Temperature of the metal 1650 degrees. The Swing of slag is produced after consuption 95% accounting amount of the oxygen. In this moment contents oxides ferric in slag relatively little, but consequently, loss ferric with slag minimum. 
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